Why This Site

Photography is my hobby. I got into it accidentally, many decades back when I was just a teenager. It was an expensive hobby for someone who did not have enough money to set up his own processing facility (those days it was about developing films and then printing on bromide paper) and had to depend on a photo studio / lab to see the result of one’s labour.

Somewhere along, the necessity of earning a livelihood took precedence. And then came the family. Photography got limited just to snaps of family and friends. Once in a while it was put to use to record travels.

Nearing the end of my employment, in a few years time, and in preparation for a retired life, I am trying to revive my hobby. A great incentive is my current job location – nature’s paradise full of wild life. I have started enjoying photography again, limited though it is by the demands on my time.

While I am once again learning photography, I will display a selection of images taken by me on this site. Hope you will enjoy them.

A Note!

In this age of digital media and computerised post-processing, it is very easy to create images that are far from reality, totally different from the actual photograph. While it may be art for some, I like my photographs natural and real.

So what you see here will be largely unaltered but for cropping, cleaning, adjustments and corrections. I may, however, experiment once in a while, if only to learn.

Post Script: Having retired, the pull of photography did not turn out to be powerful enough for me to drag myself out of my recliner. I will always find excuses not to go out and shoot. Meantime, enjoy what I photograph when I do make exceptions.

Rajesh Kapoor


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